World of warships ships atago beauties
World of warships ships atago beauties

world of warships ships atago beauties

Permacamos for ships you like and when credits aren't an issue, would be probably best use of doubloons. Other: Cossack is perhaps the best T8 DD in the game at the moment (although Loyang runs her a close second, and I find Orkan can be pretty fearsome if you can make good use of the radar). Prinz Eugen: Atago is probably the top pick for healing T8 cruiser, but Eugen is pretty decent shorter range torps perhaps make her less flexible, but she is pretty monstrous in Coop (should that be relevant). She's been around forever, but still holds up. Unlike the others on the list, she does have the 'may be nerfed' label.Ītago: perhaps the best T8 premium cruiser in the game: heals, and has a good balance between the guns and torps. Decent torps, and a healing cruiser at T8.

world of warships ships atago beauties

Tone: Atago is better, but you do get the airstrike for a bit of variety/spotting, and effectively only at the cost of two gun barrels (compared to Atago). Her AA is no longer the terror it once was, but still a lot better than nothing. Dakka is decent, but you only get one torp launcher, so she requires that your team shoot at what you spot to deal with a lot of heavier/more numerous targets. Kidd: a solid all-rounder sneaky enough, and you get an invaluable healing potion.

world of warships ships atago beauties

Is there one of these ships you feel very comfortable in? one you hate? one that's just lucky for you? one that's hard work, but also satisfying? Share your thoughts! I believe that also correlates with how early they were introduced in the game.ġ) I would have a strong, possibly 21 point captain for any of them: captain retraining isn't an issueĢ) I would mostly play them in Randoms, plus the occasional 1v1, 3v3 modesģ) though it's not necessary, I'd appreciate something that plays somewhat differently from their tech tree or freemium counterparts, like the California having a 1.9 sigma on 12 barrels, the cruisers having a heal at T8, the Tone being a hybrid, the Atago being able to launch torpedoes forward.Ĥ) however, I have most tech tree ships in the game, as well as many freemiums, so there aren't many "niches" left This is a list of those that I'm considering, heavily biased towards vessels that were built in steel There's always the option of buying Tier 9-10 permacamos: the one for the Henri IV looks very elegant, the one for the Udaloi looks like the skin of a poisonous frog, etc. Between Santa crates, birthday cashback and Supercontainers, I for once have a fair amount of doubloons.

World of warships ships atago beauties